I also read . . .

It may seem like ALL I do is watch movies.  I do watch a few movies.  But I also love to read.  I just finished Mechanique: A Tale of the Circus Tresaulti by Genevieve Valentine.  I highly recommend picking up a copy.  It was truly one of the most imaginative books I have read is a long while.  I admit it took me a while to really get my bearings (the story has an omniscient narrator and I didn’t really get that for a while) but once I understood the rhythm I was really loving it.  I want someone to option the rights and make that a movie.  It’s begging to be a movie.  The story is reveal one onion skin at a time.  You learn something, then someting else is revealed, and slowly the story (and the history) is there for you.  Once it’s in your head it won’t come out, and you won’t want it to. Reading other reviews someone recommended that The Night Circus and Mechanique should be read together and I remembered my darling Katie the Red said I should read Night Circus so I am. But before I jump into that I will finish my Kindle Single I got to tide me over: Margaret Atwood’s I’m Starving for You.

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